
Wednesday, 13 April 2016

From Boys2Mens

When the Brainstorm is done we had to do another task that is the same. Here is what we have been doing in writing.

From Boys to Men.

On Wensday 13th April the year 7 and 8 that stayed back at school had a very cool task to do ,we were watching a movie that is set in New Zealand and called the "From Boys to men", It was about a boy named Malaga that is shy to talk to people. Here is brainstorm that is , about what has happend in the movie so far.  

Friday, 8 April 2016

Problem Solving 9/10

In maths we have a task to do it is to do with fraction and is what we have been learning in maths.

Fiafia night 2016

          Fiafia Night 2016
On Fiafia night there were lots of people. When I arrived at school for Fiafia There were people walking around ,so I went to look for my friends, while I was looking for my friends ,David Fatane said

”Mararoa’s looking for you”.

Then I went to look for him so off I went and 5 minutes later ,I found him with some else so I went over and hanged out with him. When we were walking around we were asking if they’ve seen Lorenzo.

Then It was time to get changed ,me and mararoa were still waiting for Mararoa food so I left him and ran to the dressing room. For the Cook Island drumming group ,Costume was a red t-shirt that has flower pattern on it.

While we were changing into our costume a call came up  the speaker saying

“Please make your way to the stage”

So off we went to  the stage with the Cook Island dancing group. For fiafia we were the last group we waited and waited until it was our turn.

Finally it was time to go back to the dressing room and get changed. We had to wait for our parents to pick us up at our dressing. I felt g0od when it was time to go home but at the same time I felt excited for performing.  

Friday, 1 April 2016

Kiwi Kids News information.

In reading Roald Dahl's had to do a task that has something to do with kiwi kids is a presentation that we have been working on.