
Friday, 27 June 2014

Paddle your own canoe.

 An outrigger   is  a part of a canoe rigging which is rigid and extends beyond the side or gunwale of a boat. click here for more information.

Friday, 20 June 2014

The Endeavour ship.

                     The Endeavour

A Endeavour ship has been travelling from England to New Zealand also it belonged to Captain  Cook.The ship took almost 3 years to get to NZ it is also in the 50 cent coin do you know that?.
Captain cook was the first English person to find NZ when he found NZ the Endeavour ship became a whaling ship because it was hunting for whales

Il primo viaggio (1768-1771)[modifica | modifica sorgente]

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

My mum and aunt.

                            My mum
My mum takes care of us and she always  takes us to school. She likes to play  slots   she like coffee and she smokes . Her favourite tv show is cook island dance group . She is in a cook island group my mum is the head guda of the cook island  group . My mum always makes our launch.My mum works at  to schools she works at ptengland school and apii potitki kindy garden .She gives us lots of money to take to school .

                              My aunty
My aunt takes care of us when we are at her house.   sometimes I call her aunty mama . She always buy us things that we don’t got also she lets us go out to the shop and buy us somethings like lollies and other staff. She takes me and my cousin to warehouse to buy us games and skylander’s she likes to drink and smoke.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

My little brother .

My  brother Helaman is the little one in our family he is 4 years old. He is my only brother I ever had . He is the  last  brother to be born at out all of my family . My brother is my favourite out of all of my sisters .